• school counseling services

  • Mission

    The mission of the Richland One Comprehensive and Developmental School Counseling Program is to promote academic achievement while utilizing data-driven comprehensive programming; foster collaboration among school personnel, students, families, and communities; and maximize the potential of the 21st century student.

    The Comprehensive and Developmental School Counseling Program

    As an integral part of the education process, the Comprehensive and Developmental School Counseling Program promotes a variety of strategies to initiate and support direct and indirect services when dealing with academic, career, and social/emotional development through the delivery of the following areas:

    • Direct Services with Students – Interactions between school counselors and students include the following: The School Counseling Program is planned and implemented in each school by a certified school counselor with the cooperation of staff, students, and the community
    • School Counseling Core Curriculum – Consists of structured lessons designed to help students attain the desired competencies and to provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills appropriate for their developmental level 
    • Individual Student Planning – Allows school counselors to coordinate ongoing, systemic activities designed to assist students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans
    • Responsive Services – Activities designed to meet students’ immediate needs and concerns, which includes individual or small group settings or crisis response
    • Indirect Services for Students – Referrals for additional assistance, consultation, and collaboration with parents, teachers, other educators and community organizations, are provided on behalf of students as a result of the school counselor's interactions with others

    What is a School Counselor?

    Richland One school counselors work in collaboration with other educators to implement a comprehensive and developmental school counseling program in elementary, middle, and high schools. School counselors implement the comprehensive and developmental school counseling program by functioning in six basic roles:

    Program Management. School counselors collaborate with faculty, staff, students, parents, and community stakeholders to plan, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive and developmental school counseling program.

    Advisement. School counselors provide a proactive, comprehensive and developmental school counseling program for all students, PreK-12th grade.

    Counseling. School counselors provide appropriate theories and techniques of counseling to develop and maintain effective individual and group relationships focused on educational, career, social/emotional needs or concerns.

    Consultation and Student Advocacy. School counselors, functioning as consultants, provide professional expertise to assist faculty, staff, administrators, parents, and other community stakeholders in understanding both individual behavior and human relationships.

    Coordination. School counselors, as coordinators, bring together people and resources in the school, the community, and the district to foster academic, career, and social/emotional development of the students.

    Assessment. School counselors collaborate with school and district staff to select testing and appraisal programs that help students identify their abilities, aptitudes, achievements, and interests, while interpreting the test data and providing input to students, parents, and staff.

    In addition to the six key roles listed above, school counselors demonstrate their professionalism by adhering to legal, ethical, and professional standards for performance, as well as South Carolina laws and guidelines for confidentiality.

    Counseling Roles

    School counselors provide academic, career, and social/emotional services at each level pertaining to the specific developmental needs of the populations they serve. All counselors hold a master’s degree and are required to obtain a state certificate in school counseling. They maintain certification by participating in professional development designed to keep them current with education reform and challenges facing today’s students. Some school counselors join various professional associations to further enhance their knowledge and effectiveness.

    The primary function of school counselors in South Carolina is to provide a comprehensive developmental school counseling program for all students at all grade levels, from prekindergarten through grade twelve, by incorporating: foundation, management, delivery and accountability. 

    Foundation - school counselors create comprehensive school counseling programs that focus on student outcomes, teach student competencies, and are delivered with identified professional competencies. 

    Management - school counselors manage the effectiveness of their programs; school counselors use organizational assessments and tools that are concrete, clearly delineated, and reflective of the school’s needs. 

    Delivery - school counselors provide services to students, parents, school staff, and the community in the following areas: Direct and Indirect Services with Students 

    Accountability - school counselors demonstrate the effectiveness of the school counseling program in measurable terms.

    School counselors receive support and guidance from the coordinator of School Counseling Services incorporating Mindsets and Behaviors and the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.  

    School Counseling Services Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    School Counseling Services Workdays: Monday – Friday

    School Counseling Services Coordinator: Mrs. Offing

    Email: trina.offing@richlandone.org

    Phone: (803) 231-6939

    School Counseling Services Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Johnson

    Email: kristi.johnson@richlandone.org

    Phone: (803) 231-6940

    Fax: (803) 231-7622


    Richland School District One Mission Statement

    Our Mission

    We are Richland One, a leader in transforming lives through education, empowering all students to achieve their potential and dreams.