Center for Educator QualityOlympia School Campus
621 Bluff Road
Columbia, SC 29201
Dr. Erica Fields, Director
erica.fields@richlandone.orgOur VisionThe vision for professional learning in Richland One is to build capacity among all employees through the implementation of personalized and targeted opportunities for continuous professional growth as aligned to the district’s Framework for Success.The Center Educator Quality (CEQ) works to inspire, prepare, and support teachers and staff through professional development opportunities that build capacity and improve student academic success. The Service Delivery Model for the CEQ includes three major components. The first component entails the level of support that is provided to schools through consulting and coaching for certified staff. The second component consists of ongoing support for administrators and aspiring administrators. The final component consists of an expansion of the support and professional development opportunities for classified staff. This support is tailored to fit the needs of staff to include instructional assistants, ISS supervisors, custodians, bus drivers, and other classified employees.Content area consultants and coaches work collaboratively to support teachers with the implementation of State Standards, creation of student-centered learning environments, and the delivery of effective instructional processes. The CEQ staff provides support to schools by providing professional development training for all district certified employees, researching and securing appropriate resources to support teaching and learning, monitoring instructional practices, analyzing data, conducting classroom observations, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of Professional Learning Communities and Response to Intervention. Coaches provide service to teachers who need additional assistance in instructional processes as outlined by the district’s aim toward master teacher development. CEQ staff is available to provide instructional support to certified staff who are recommended, or request support from the Center for Educator Quality.
The Center for Educator Quality provides opportunities for pre-service, new, and experienced administrators of the district. The district offers comprehensive programs for aspiring assistant principals and aspiring principals. The programs are based on professional standards developed by the Interstate School Leaders Consortium (ISLLC) and focuses on areas such as vision, instructional leadership, school and community partnerships, ethics, and communications. In addition, new principals complete induction training and activities and are supported during the initial two years in a supportive and collaborative system, which includes mentoring support. Experienced principals continue their professional growth through instructionally-focused development opportunities and job embedded activities.Mission Statement"We are Richland One, a leader in transforming lives through education, empowering all students to achieve their potential and dreams."Room Request Information:
Any individuals outside of Richland School District One requesting the use of our facility must have a representative from the district present at the time of your training.Olympia Auditorium - 204 capacityRoom F-14 - 25 capacityRoom F-15 - 60 capacityRoom F-19 - 60 capacityRoom F-18 - 70 capacityMost rooms are equipped with: Screen, DVD Player, Microphone(s), White Board/Dry Erase Markers, VCR/Projector and Non-wireless Internet Access (this list does not extend to F14). If additional items are needed, please contact our office for guidance.- Link to access online Room Request Calendar
- In District Room Use Contract/docx
- Out of District Room Use Contract.docx
*** Please note that our Superintendent and Cabinet take precedence over all others. If there is a conflicting event, we may ask that you reschedule and/or move to an alternate location. ***
- Link to access online Room Request Calendar