• Unified Spirit Week, celebrating the spirit of unity among all Blue Devils, was observed at Dreher during November 13-17, 2023. 

    Savannah Le, teacher in the Special Education Department, provided homeroom teachers with discussion topics on awareness of students with differing abilities. 

    Students displayed their 'Unified Spirit" by dressing in the theme of the day.

    Teachers Haley Williams and Amy Requa led a relaxing lunchtime yoga class for special education students and their friends on Wednesday. 

    The big event was on Friday when we hosted students from Columbia and AC Flora High Schools for a Special Olympics basketball game.  Cheerleaders, friends, and some family members in the stands were vocal in their encouragement of the participants. 

  • This is Unified Spirit Week - and several of the faculty and staff have conjured up the spirit of the '80's workout, "Let's Get Physical."

  • The theme for Wednesday of Unified Spirit Week was "Wellness Wednesday - Let's Get Physical."  To help us get in the spirit, teachers Haley Williams and Amy Requa led our Special Ed students and other friends in a yoga class during second lunch. 

  • Friday of Unified Spirit Week was Super Hero Day.  We spotted several Super Heros around the school.

  • Friday was our Special Olympics Basketball Game - a great way to end this year's Unified Spirit Week.  We were privileged to host teams from AC Flora and Columbia High Schools.