• On Thursday, January 18 (B day), Key Club and National Honor Society will be hosting our last Red Cross blood drive for the school year in the big gym. If you are 16 or older and weigh at least 110 pounds, please consider signing up to donate blood. One pint of blood can save up to three lives. If you are 17 or older, no parent permission is needed; if you are 16, you will need a parent permission form (download here) and located at the front office. All students need a photo ID.  Anyone who donates will get a t-shirt.

    Do not sign up to donate during a class where you know you have a test, quiz, or direct instruction scheduled. Your teachers may deny you permission to leave class to donate blood. On average, you can expect to spend about one hour for the donation process. Please, please, PLEASE be sure you eat and drink fluids before you donate blood. You will likely be tired for the rest of the day, so keep that in mind with your schedule. I would not recommend donating in the morning if you have a test during a later block. 

    Also, do not sign up if you will be playing a sport after school- either practice or a game. You should not engage in physical activity after donating blood

    Sign up at this link with the sponsor code DreherHS: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?order=DATE&range=10&zipSponsor=DREHERHS  Blood Drive

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