• Forms are for requesting TS services ONLY and are NOT for booking facilities!

    All external rental requests must be submitted on our online facility rental platform, Facilitron.

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  • Theatre Services does NOT provide the following items and services:

    Projectors/projector screens/laptops
    Please contact your media specialist or LEIR

    Podiums, chairs, tables, and other furniture items
    Please contact the building supervisor at the school or Warehouse Services

    Painted fabric backdrops can be rented from a number of companies. As a safety precaution, Theatre Services MUST hang all backdrops in fly houses (high schools), and can assist if desired at all other locations.

    Portable speakers during athletic activities
    Due to the possibility of damage to equipment during athletic games and activities in gyms and arenas, we do not provide portable speakers for these activities. We will provide speakers and PA systems in gyms provided NO athletic activities occur while the equipment is set up.

    Live-streaming services for school/department events

    Equipment or services for events off district property

    Equipment or services for school social dances (such as prom, homecoming, etc.)

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  • Theatre Services Online Request Forms
    Please note that forms do not populate on some web browsers. Using Chrome is recommended. If you have an issue loading the form while on the district network, please restart your device.

  • Please note that we require:

    • 10 working days' (2 weeks) notice for basic set up of equipment & PA system requests
    • 15 working days' (3 weeks) notice for technician and design requests
    • 20 working days' (4 weeks) notice for stock scenery & counterweight rigging requests
    • 30 working days' (6 weeks) notice (MINIMUM) for custom-built scenery requests


    Submission of requests does not guarantee services. Services are limited based on scheduled workload and availability of requested equipment and personnel.