Summer Reading Assignment for Rising 5th Graders
Research has shown that over the summer months, students often regress in their academic competencies, thereby reinforcing the importance of reading over the break. In Richland One, we consider reading the foundation for all other learning. Therefore, our first priority must be for all of our children to become good readers and to instill in them a lifelong love of reading.
This year, each student will receive a recommended list of titles and a Summer Reading Assignment. All students are expected to participate in the summer assignment of reading at least one book. Students are to choose a book from the Summer Reading List on the following pages. An overview of each book is provided. The selected titles can be checked out from your child's school or the Richland County Public Library. They are also available for purchase at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
Please click here to access the Summer Reading Assignment for General Education Students.
Please click here to access the Summer Reading Assignment for AAP Students.