A message from Richland One regarding free online tutoring:
Thanks to a partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina State Library, all Richland One students in grades K-12 have access to highly qualified tutors in over 200 subject areas. Now students can receive individual tutoring and access to practice tests, PSAT, SAT, ACT and AP test prep resources, all at no cost. In addition, students can receive assistance with time management, study skill strategies and support with writing essays and other papers. Parents also can connect with a tutor for parent coaching.
The online tutoring partnership is with Tutor.com. Tutor.com provides real-time tutoring and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for English and Spanish speakers. Students will access Tutor.com through the South Carolina Virtual Library (Discus) at www.scdiscus.org. There is an option for students to create an account, but an account is not necessary to use this service. Students can access Tutor.com anywhere – from school or home using any device. Note: Home access requires a user name and password. Contact your school’s library media specialist if you need assistance or more information.
Directions: Go to www.scdiscus.org , click on DISCUS – View Online Resources and scroll down to Tutor.com; or go to the Richland One home page (www.richlandone.org) and click on Resource Center, then click on Student Resources, click on DISCUS (Online Resources) and scroll down to Tutor.com.