Elizabeth Link
  • Elizabeth Link is Dreher's 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year

    Elizabeth Link, teacher of Biology, Chemistry, Chemistry Honors, and AP Chemistry, has been selected by her peers as Dreher's 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year.
    This is the nomination of Mrs. Link from an anonymous colleague:
    “She is an excellent teacher and goes above and beyond for her current students, and past students. Her methodology of teaching reaches all levels of learners and all learning styles.
    She dedicates her time after school to help her classroom students and the robotics team. Mrs. Link teaches at a level of excellence, and always with enthusiasm and a smile.
    Elizabeth is an incredible teacher to watch and learn from. Students go into her class knowing that they are cared about and that they will be receiving a great education from her. Not only does she do everything that she can to support her students, but she also supports all of her co-workers and goes above and beyond her duties to ensure that everyone around her is supported and has what they need. As a first-year teacher, I have never had a severe struggle with lesson planning, student discipline, etc. and it is all because of Elizabeth. The support she has given me since before I even started here has been above and beyond her called duties. She has given me every resource that she has ever found while teaching, so I am never lost, given me all the answers to every random teaching question that I could have, often before I even think to ask them. During my first few weeks, she consistently checked on me to make sure that I was doing ok with my students. EVERY first-year teacher (and every teacher, honestly) needs a co-worker like Elizabeth. She does not feel successful until everyone else around her (students, teachers, admin, and staff) is also successful and she works as hard as she can to make sure that everyone can achieve this.”