• On November 17, 2021, members of the Kindness Club and Key Club collected donations for Harvest Hope in our One Day/One Dollar campaign.  Here is photgraphic eveidence of the volunteer spirit of our students:

  • Members of the Kindness Club, the Key Club, and the National Honor Society are working together once again to raise money and collect nonperishables for our local Harvest Hope Food Bank.  

    -During November 2021, classes will be competing with each other to collect as many canned goods and nonperishables.

    -On Wednesday, November 17 (weather permitting), representatives from these clubs will be stationed along the car pool line and at the side entrance to building from 7-8 AM.   It is our annul One Day/One Dollar campaign where we ask all who drive through the carpool line or walk through our doors to donate just $1 to Harvest Hope.

    -Those who wish to donate a bit more are invited to visit  Dreher Supports Harvest Hope.

    -This QR code also will bring you directly to the Harvest Hope donation site:  QR COde for Harvest Hope