School Wellness
Healthy Schools Program
Richland One uses Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program as a roadmap to develop healthy school communities.
This program guides schools to create sustainable change by fully implementing best practice criteria across the school campus. Criteria include serving healthier meals and snacks, getting students moving more, offering high-quality health and physical education, supporting staff wellness and empowering them to be healthy role models.
Coordinated School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC)
The district will maintain a Coordinated School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC) to assess, plan implement and monitor district and school health policies and programs.
The council will be comprised of members of the community, school representatives, students, parents, district food service employees, and school board members.
District Wellness Policy
The District Wellness Policy communicates district expectations for providing a school environment that promotes and protects the health and well-being of students and staff. Schools must communicate wellness practices and policies to staff, students, and families each year. This is accomplished through school handbooks and/or the school website.
The most current, updated policy is located on the websites for Health and Physical Education, Wellness, and Nutrition Services.
For more information on the wellness policy or to learn how to become involved with school wellness teams or the district wellness committee (CSHAC), please contact the Health and Physical Education Coordinator or the Nutrition Services Director.
School Wellness Teams
Each school has a representative School Wellness Team that meets at least four times a year and oversees school health and safety policies and programs. The team consists of at least six members from the school and community to include parent and student involvement.
Each team uses Healthier Generation’s School Carolina Healthy Schools Assessment to monitor implementation of the District Wellness Policy in their school and the progress that is made.
The team works together to develop and implement action plans based on their Healthy Schools Program assessment data. They create new initiatives that are feasible at their school and work to sustain their successful programs each year.
This process continues each year to further develop their healthy school community.
District Level Collaboration
The Health and Physical Education Department and Nutrition Services support all schools in following the District Wellness Policy to implement new programs and sustain successful current programs. They work together to provide district-wide programming that all schools can utilize.
Students and families have opportunities to provide suggestions on our school meals and/or meal programs served in our cafeterias. They can also share ideas on foods and beverages sold on campus which includes school campus canteens. All feedback will be shared with the wellness committee and/or designee.
Nutrition Services Website and Suggestion Box
America's Healthiest Schools Award
America's Healthiest Schools celebrates schools for implementing evidence-based practices to support the physical, mental, and social-emotional health needs of their learning community.
Schools function best when students and educators are happy and healthy. Alliance for a Healthier Generation's annual recognition program honors schools for the key role they play in advancing the health and well-being of students, staff, and families.
Awardees verify implementation of prioritized criteria from the South Carolina Healthy Schools Assessment, a self-assessment tool that helps school communities identify strengths and opportunities for improving policies and practices in the ways that matter most to them.
We are proud to announce that all 48 Richland One schools were included on the national list of America's Healthiest Schools for the 2022-2023 school year.