The Principal's Weekly Message

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Our Mission and Vision

  • C.A. Johnson High School Mission
    C.A. Johnson High school is committed to ensuring high levels of meaningful academic standards for all students through active collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders.

    C.A. Johnson High School Vision
    C.A. Johnson High School will prepare all students for success in the 21st century by engaging them in rigorous and relevant learning opportunities that promote academic, physical, and emotional development. 


    School schieldWelcome to C.A. Johnson High School  

    Home of the Mighty Green Hornets


    front of school

    8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  


    Return to Excellence


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News and Events


    Homecoming GameHomecoming Mixer

    To Reserve a Homecoming Tailgating Spot, please click on this link.


  • Prisma Health Donates Ambulance to C.A. Johnson High School; Health Sciences Magnet Program Introduces EMT Pathway

    Click here to read the article

    In the photo from left to right are: Dr. Brenton Coe, C.A. Johnson High School principal; Anthony Jackson, president of Prisma Health Baptist Hospital and vice president of external affairs; Sheron Capers, C.A. Johnson’s health sciences magnet coordinator; Gabrielle Oden, a junior at C.A. Johnson High School and a student in the health sciences magnet program; Dr. Traci Cooper, Richland One’s director of strategic partnerships and extended-day programs; Richland One Superintendent Dr. Craig Witherspoon; and Commissioner Jamie L. Devine, parliamentarian for the Richland One Board of School Commissioners. 


Photos & Videos of Events at C.A. Johnson H.S.

Today's Tip for Families::
School Success Ideas for Families::

  • A Message from the PrincipalPrincipal

    Thank you for visiting our website and demonstrating interest in C. A. Johnson High School. I extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of our faculty and staff. I look forward to continuing the traditions of excellence and the practice of putting students first. Our Green Hornet Pride is alive and well here at C. A. Johnson! We hope that our website will provide answers to your inquiries, useful information, and a snapshot of C. A. Johnson High School, where our mission is to ensure high levels of meaningful academic standards for all students through active collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders. We encourage you to visit our magnificent school to observe our dedication to all students and welcome all positive involvement.     

    With Great Hornet Pride,

    Dr. Brenton Coe

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  • Notice of Non-Discrimination

    Richland County School District One does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age or other protected characteristics in its programs and activities.