Elizabeth Link, advisor to our Robotics team, had an idea to stimulate the donation of canned goods and other items for the annual "Souper Bowl of Caring."
She suggested that students leave their donations outside of the room of the teacher they would most like to see "pied!'
It turns out that even though history teacher Timothy Shipley warned his class that he knows how to hold a grudge, his students donated so many canned goods that Mr. Shipley was "pied" by Tyra Helper during lunch on February 9. He was not alone, though! His history department colleague Adam Penney, math teacher Madalyn Hazlett, chemistry teacher Elizabeth Link, and her student teacher, Mr. Campbell, were the other good sports who joined in the fun.
As they lined up across from their intended victims, the Robotics team members were mightily surprised when the tables were turned. The teachers threw the first pies!
Good fun for a good cause. Don't miss the link below for a quick video of Mr. Shipley and Tyra.
Click on the link below to see Mr. Shipley get "pied - all for a good cause.